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From Paul:
As Helen Fayle mentioned in a different thread, there is always the idea of a prequel (or even a set or prequels) since we *know* she'll never do a sequel. IMHO the CFT is complete and ends quite nicely - I can't imagine anything coming *after* it. Ah, but before...

I would speculate that if Ms. Friedman were simply after $$$ that it would be a slam dunk to write about either:

1. Chronicles the settlers first coming to Erna, macabre scenes as their terrors materialize before their very eyes (fun to be scared, isn't it?), the struggle for a solution between Ian and the rest of the crew, the sarcifice, and the efforts to build a social structure that can handle this situation and look to the future. In the few scant passages that talk about the original folks there is a treasure of jewels that can be mined.


2. The story of GT just before his demonic fall. Starting with him as a young energetic man, so full of hope and vision, then showing his slow but sure descent into things impure.

Now I know CS is completely against either of these, or of anyone else writing these stories, and I know I'll surely be beaten for tossing gas on a flame she'd rather see extinguished, but in my heart I believe both are compelling stories that most people - even those that have never read CSF or the CFT - would find fascinating.

But I can also see her POV, e.g. did we *really* need another Pern novel from McCaffrey, when she's been out of fresh material since Reagen was President? Has not Jordan's WOT series sucked after his fifth (or even forth) book in the series?

Perhaps if we had some details about when the next novel is due out, it would give us something else to think about besides Erna?

-----Original Message-----
From: Azhreia [mailto:azhreia@mindspring.com]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 7:58 PM
To: Merentha Discussions
Subject: Re: Another series with GT

> Hm, well, not that my opinion means much....but that won't work :-) I
> believe in stimulating the readers' imagination, and I am far too interested
> in hearing what readers believe will come next to want to take that creative
> pleasure from them. Furthermore I think stories that are well ended shoudl
> be left ended, and this falls into that category for me. Sequels are always
> weaker than the original material , and for a variety of reasons I think this
> would be true of GT in spades. Besides, I have other things to write that I
> hope will be just as exciting, and which will be new adventures for me as a
> writer.
> Sorry :-)
> C.S.

Thanks C.S. It was worth a try. GT has become one of my favorite characters and I just hate to let the adventure end when I have questions. Particularly about the ending, but I will let my imagination answer those. :-) Thank you for writing the Coldfire trilogy. I have truly enjoy them and Michael Whelan did an exceptional job on the art work for the series. I'm looking forward to reading more of your books.


-----Original Message-----
From: Azhreia [mailto:azhreia@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2000 5:00 PM
To: Merentha Discussions
Subject: Re: Another series with GT

Ok,ok. I was just being in lurkdom to get the feel of what everyone was saying and I really didn't want to press C.S. if she didn't want gas poured on the flame.

Keeping GT "alive" always, he hangs on my walls, I have Whelan's prints.:-)

As for a prequel I also would love one. Particularly about GT's fall; I kept reading the prologue over again every time his fall was mentioned.

A few of the questions I have about the ending of the series. Alot of them deal with GT's new perimeters. Such as what are they exactly? If we go by what he told Damien as how he survived and got a new body. Where did this new body come from? Did the fae create it, did his old body metamorphosis into the new one, or was it someone else's body? Now that he is a part of the living world again (assuming he is truly human) and the fae can't be Worked without putting your life on the line, will he age like everyone else? And how will he is planning on cheating death again if he does age?

Now let's all hope that Erna remembers what it tried to do to the Rakh and doesn't repeat the destruction of species as it advances technologically. That could be a new adventure, but we won't go there. :-))

Ok, I could keep going, but I'll start with these.


> mward@stl-inc.com wrote:
> Azhreia! Please ask your questions! That's what makes these
> discussions interesting...share you point of view and we'll do the
> same. That way we keep GT "alive" (so to speak...)
> C.S. : Please cast my vote with those begging for more GT. I think a
> "prequel" would be terrific! WHENEVER you get to it!
> (in a fit of temper..) WHY does In Conquest get a sequel and not GT!
> Something unfair is happening here, me thinks! ;-)
> Hope life "levels" out a bit for you...and deepest sympathies for your
> loss... best wishes for your new home!

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