"This Alien Shore" was a challenge to do because there are so many interesting things to visualize in the book. Her fans are gonna love it! It would make a terrific movie.
As you probably know, aliens and people are my favorite subjects in science fiction painting. This was a welcome opportunity to go to town, so to speak.
I used my daughter Alexa as the model for the girl, though she has blonde hair and wore a completely different set of clothes when she posed for me. Nevermind, it was enough. I loved the lead character and I hope my depiction of her comes close enough to the mark that the readers like it too.
One of the most enjoyable things about this cover commission, as well as in fantasy and science fiction illustration in general, were the frequent e-mail conversations I had with the author, ostensibly about details in the book but often touching on other topics.
Being a fan myself, I feel privileged to be in a position to share ideas with such creative and intelligent people. I only hope my work does justice to the effort and thought they put into their creations.
It's opportunities like this that make me keep taking illustration assignments although I keep swearing to give them up for a while so I can concentrate on my gallery painting!